Park Ridge Speech Therapy
Offering speech therapy from the comfort of your home, daycare, or school in Park Ridge, Illinois and it's surrounding suburbs and neighborhoods. At Park Ridge Speech Therapy, we understand how important it is to be able to communicate effectively. That's why we are committed to providing personalized, evidence-based speech therapy services in natural environments. Our goal is to empower children and their families with the skills needed to support and encourage speech and language development.
Early Language
At Park Ridge Speech Therapy, we specialize in helping toddler's language development. Through play based therapy and parent coaching, watch your little one grow their vocabulary and be able to express their wants and needs with less frustration.
Receptive & Expressive Language
Receptive language refers to a child's understanding of language, such as understanding concepts, following directions, and answering questions. Expressive language refers to a child's use of language, including vocabulary, forming sentences, and grammar.
Speech Sound & Apraxia
Articulation errors, phonological patterns, and apraxia can all have a big impact on how well a child is understood. We identify what is happening during your child's speech that is causing the difficulty and come up with a treatment plan to most efficiently and effectively improve their speech clarity.
Alternative Augmentative Communication, or AAC, supports individuals who are not able to effectively communicate verbally. This may be the use of sign language and gestures or a high-tech, speech generating device. Our goal is to make sure that every individual is given the means to communicate, no matter what it might look like.